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Scholarship Recipients Say Thanks

Thank you so much for making the start of my dream possible! Without you, I wouldn't be able to financially afford to go to school at such a wonderful place like Berry. Through this experience, I have grown as not only a person but as a leader as well!

Christian (24C)

I truly appreciate you believing in me and giving me the opportunity to grow and learn from all of Berry. This experience wouldn't be possible without you, and I am learning new things in every encounter I have!

Jayson (25c)

Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to pursue an education in a well-respected and highly regarded institution. I am so grateful that I am able to study in a school such as Berry, especially without having to worry deeply about the financial costs that come with it.

Monique (25c)

Thank you for making this experience possible. When I was applying for colleges, I wasn't sure if I would be able to afford out-of-state tuition, even though that was my dream. Thanks to my donors, I am able to attend Berry, which I believe is where I was meant to end up at.

Thank you for making this experience possible. When I was applying for colleges, I wasn't sure if I would be able to afford out-of-state tuition, even though that was my dream. Thanks to my donors, I am able to attend Berry, which I believe is where I was meant to end up at.

Emily (26c)

Thank you so much for your generous donation. Berry is my dream school, and I was so excited to be able to make the financial side of attending it possible. I honestly did not think that Berry was in the picture for me, but thanks to your donation, I am able to attend my dream school!

Thank you so much for your generous donation. Berry is my dream school, and I was so excited to be able to make the financial side of attending it possible. I honestly did not think that Berry was in the picture for me, but thanks to your donation, I am able to attend my dream school!

Josh (27c)

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